Who seeks enlightenment ?

Thu Jun 22, 2023

Who seeks enlightenment ?

You must be having doubts about, out of the whole population who actually seeks enlightenment. What happens is that unless a person sees benefit in what he is doing, he may not seek a particular thing.

In this case of seeking enlightenment the person may have heard about it and may not know exactly what it is so who really seeks enlightenment. Generally, there are four types of people who actually seek enlightenment.

1. The first type of people are the seekers of knowledge.

They are these inquisitive people, who seek answers in everything they do in everyday life they might be doing various things and they question each and everything and unless they get a proper answer, may be in their work in everything, they do they question everything and a time comes when they seek god they want to know who is god. They want to know are the concepts related to God really true. Having all these questions in their mind they seek enlightenment, but it is not just the inquisitive people who seek enlightenment they are also very pious pure people who by their good deeds lead themselves to seek enlightenment so these are the first type of people the seeker of self-knowledge who seek enlightenment.

2. Now the second type of people are the ones who are very distressed.

The person may be distressed, maybe due to loss of someone in their family, maybe it is their mother, father, brother, wife, husband it could be anyone, or even maybe their lover. They must have been attached so much to that person and suddenly their loss has made them so depressed that they question the very existence of their life, such people seek answers to find peace because whatever they are doing to come out of that stress it's not helping. Now this is the moment where they have to seek answers. Unless they seek answers about the existence at this moment they will not be satisfied. To make themselves satisfied they will have to seek enlightenment.

Such people who also are quiet and pure by their good deeds lead to self-knowledge or enlightenment. Note there could be lots of people in distress, but unless they take a big step to know the truth it won't happen. A lot of people do lose their loved ones, but not all seek truth. You require some guidance at the right time and some karmas of their past which should help them.

3. Now the third type of people who seek enlightenment are the seeker of wealth.

Certain people who seek wealth have so much energy that they keep on making money, wealth or anything in abundance and they keep on winning in their life

These types of people at a certain point when they have enough, then they question whether earning wealth is satisfactory enough.

They may say “I have everything in abundance, but when I die it is of no use” they will question the very format of existence of birth and death. They would want to seek things which go beyond than what they have.

Some people also think of attaining immortality when such questions come, they seek knowledge of self or try to get enlightened, but again, there will be a lot of people who will be seeking but only those people who are unbiased and pure and by their good deed will try to attain it.

And out of those people only some will actually succeed.

4. Now the fourth type of people, are the people who are a devotee of a particular god or deity or a religious person.

Who by their single-minded devotion are connected to the one deity they follow. And the connection becomes so deep they go so much inside their self that after a particular time they actually start knowing about enlightenment, but that happens after a long time but let me tell you this

These are the four types of people, but they are also pious and pure and have done a lot of good deed and existence help them towards enlightenment by their good deeds. Now the good deeds what they have done is not just about this life it could be about their past lives also.

Now what happens is that there are a lot of religions who don't believe in past life but the person's good deed of maybe 50, 60, 70 years of good deeds is just not enough there has to be a lot of things which has happened in the past and they have accumulated the good deeds and have reached to a particular stage whereby they seek enlightenment

So, these are the four types of people who seek enlightenment.

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